why you need a sales page copywriter

Why You Need a Sales Page Copywriter (& How to Hire One)

Are you tired of staring at a blank sales page, wondering how to sell your product or service effectively? 

Have no fear, your new favorite sales page copywriter is here! 

In this blog post, we’ll explore five reasons why hiring a copywriter for your sales page is a must, and how to get very selective with your candidates.

(Want to skip the foreplay and hire a sales page copywriter already? Click here and apply for my Copy Client List.)

What is a Sales Page Copywriter

A sales page copywriter is like a magical wordsmith who takes a boring old page and sprinkles word-magic all over it to turn it into a money-making machine. 

You know those pages that make you want to throw your computer out the window? The ones that leave you feeling confused, overwhelmed, and just plain annoyed? A sales page copywriter (like me, hi) can help transform them into a whimsical story you don’t want to put down!

Want to see what this could ACTUALLY look like for you?

Online Coaches

So you’re an online coach who wants to create an evergreen funnel to sell your coaching services so you can fill your books, gain hella-aligned clients, and build a waitlist for your future openings. 

You’ve got a lot of knowledge and experience to offer, but you’re not sure how to package it all up in a way that will resonate with your dream clients…you know, the ones that make meetings feel like a deep brain massage and leaves you shining in your purpose?

This is where a sales page copywriter (me) comes into play.

First, we will work together to identify your soulmate client and what they’re currently navigating, thinking, and healing from. 

Then, we’ll craft messaging that speaks straight to their soul so they KNOW you are THE coach for them. This can include highlighting your unique approach, showcasing your past success stories, and using your knowledge to build credibility.

Next, we’ll create a no-brainer offer that makes your soulmate clients want to take action ASAP. 

Maybe this includes a free 1:1 call, a special discount for early access, or a bonus stack that’s included when they enroll by a certain date.

We’ll also create a clear and concise call-to-action that tells your soulmate clients exactly what to do to work with you. This might be a button that leads to a scheduling page, a contact form, or a direct link to pay you.

Once we have all of this information, your sales page begins coming to life! Now, you have specific page you can direct new prospects, emails, and content towards to have new enrollments while you sleep until 10am, walk along the edge of the beach, and take yourself out to dinner!

With the help of a skilled sales page copywriter, you can create an evergreen funnel that works for you 24/7, attracting and converting potential clients into clients dyingggg to pay you to help them while you focus on delivering your coaching services to your current client list.

Online Course Creators

Let’s say you’re an online course creator who’s been struggling to attract new students that feel more aligned than your astrology sign. 

You’ve got a killer course, but for some reason, you’re just not getting the sign-ups you deserve which means you aren’t helping as many people you desire to be.

Enter the sales page copywriter.

We can take your existing funnel and transform it into a magnet for aligned students by helping you reposition your course’s best attributes, spice up the module names and briefs so your soulmate clients get excited just reading through them, create an authentic incentive to enroll NOW that doesn’t feel harmful or forced, and craft specific headlines and bullet points that resonate with your soulmate audience the very first time they read your sales page. 

Suddenly, your funnel is no longer a leaky bucket pushing to a weak sales page, but a powerful tool for converting visitors into paying students withoutttttt you having to post to instagram stories all day talking about your offer.

You can apply each of these examples to a variety of businesses, so let’s look at a few reasons you should hire a sales page copywriter…like yesterday.

(If you KNOW you need a sales page copywriter and have vibed with this blog post so far, click here to apply for my Copy Client List right now.)

Five Reasons to Hire a Sales Page Copywriter

1. Copywriters Know How to Sell 

Sales page copywriters are experts at writing to your audience in a way that makes them feel seen, heard, validated…and ready to work with you like yesterday.

I’ve taken intense copy trainings (including Alex Cattoni’s Launch Pad Certification) which teach the psychology, sociology, and best practices of selling your offer, service, or product while making it unique af.

Over the last few years, I’ve also navigated selling in a non-pushy and playful way so your soulmate clients feel like they’re getting help even when you’re selling in their face.

2. Copywriters Save You Time

Writing effective sales copy takes time and effort–and you have SO MANY other things you could be doing on the backend for a smoother flow. Why worry about writing the copy, too?

By hiring a copywriter, you can focus on other important aspects of your business–like new client onboarding, your current client list, and making sure you have a knock-out offer.

3. Copywriters Understand Your Audience

Sure you know your audience, but part of a sale page copywriter’s role is to specifically research and understand your soulmate audience so that we can write copy that resonates with them the second they come across your sales page, website, or offer.

Not only are we looking at your current audience, but we also check out the audiences of your competitors, too, so we can grow your brand. 

This leads me to….

4. Copywriters Make You Stand Out

In a crowded marketplace full of niched courses, online coaches, and daily new product launches, a well-written sales page can be the difference between someone signing up with you versus your competitors.

 Copywriters know how to make your product or service stand out from the competition becauseeeeee we’ve researched your competition.

5. Copywriters Know What Works

We are constantly testing and refining our copywriting techniques, so we know what works and what doesn’t, because we’ve already gone through the trials and errors of figuring it out.

By hiring a copywriter, you’re leveraging their expertise for your own benefit–without having to take months of courses or testing new ideas within your copy to find what sticks.

Ultimately, if you want to level up your current sales page or publish an aligned one you’re proud to share right off the bat, hire a sales page copywriter already.

What to Look for In a Sales Page Copywriter

When it comes to hiring a sales page copywriter, it can be tough to know where to start if you’ve never worked with one before. 

After all, there are a lot of writers out there claiming to be experts in this field. 

But choosing the wrong copywriter for your business, goals, and offer can be a costly mistake in the long run. 

That’s why it’s important to know what to look for in a sales page copywriter before you hire them.

  1. Knows SEO

If you want your sales page to be successful, it’s not enough to simply create great copy. 

You also need to ensure that your sales page is optimized for search engines so that potential customers can find it easily for years to come. (This is especially great for evergreen courses, books, and masterclasses you want to turn into passive income.)

That’s why it’s important to hire a sales page copywriter who knows search engine optimization (SEO). 

An SEO-savvy copywriter can help to ensure that your sales page is keyword-rich, with headings and content that are optimized for search engines. 

We can also help with meta descriptions, alt tags, and other technical aspects of SEO that can help your sales page rank higher in search engine results pages. 

By hiring an SEO-savvy sales page copywriter, you can increase your chances of getting more traffic, more leads, and more sales–without doing more work.

  1. Has training

When it comes to crafting a killer sales page, it’s important to work with a copywriter who has actually been through copywriting-specific training. 

While many writers are talented wordsmiths, copywriting requires a particular set of skills that go beyond merely writing well.

A trained copywriter understands the psychology of sales and how to create content that resonates with your soulmate audience. 

We know how to write compelling headlines, persuasive calls to action, and bullet points that highlight your product’s unique value proposition. 

In addition, copywriting-specific training provides a deep understanding of consumer behavior and how to leverage that knowledge to create copy that converts without being a sales douchebag about it. 

By working with a copywriter who has received copywriting-specific training, you can rest assured that your sales page will be crafted with the utmost care and expertise, resulting in higher conversion rates and a more successful sales campaign with aligned clients banging on your payment processor’s door to pay you.

  1. Has proof

When you’re looking to hire a sales page copywriter, it’s important to choose one who can provide proof that they know what they’re doing. 

This can come in the form of testimonials from enthusiastic clients, social proof such as likes and shares on their work, and samples of their past projects. 

By reviewing a copywriter’s portfolio, you can get a sense of their writing style, their ability to write effective copy, and their expertise in your industry or niche. (Many phenomenal copywriters can write in a wide array of industries and niches, though. Do not discredit a copywriter you’re excited to work with just because they don’t have a sample piece for you niche.)

Testimonials and social proof provide additional evidence that the copywriter has a track record of success and can deliver results. 

When you choose a sales page copywriter with proof that they know what they’re doing, you can have confidence that your project is in capable hands and that you’ll see a return on your investment which makes it easier to let go and let copywriters write.

  1. It excited about your project

A copywriter who is enthusiastic about your product or service is more likely to be passionate about crafting a sales page that sells. 

We will be eager to learn more about your business, your target audience, and your unique selling proposition. 

Excited writers are also more willing to collaborate with you to ensure that the final product meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. 

When you work with a copywriter who is ready to take on your project because they love your offer, are aligned with your values, or already support your brand, you can be sure that they will put their heart and soul into creating a sales page that showcases your product or service in the best possible light.

  1. Doesn’t wear ALL the hats

While some copywriters may claim to be experts in backend systems, graphic design, and social media management, trying to do everything can result in subpar work… because there’s no way they’re experts in each of these fields. 

By choosing a copywriter who focuses solely on copywriting, you can be confident that they have the necessary skills and expertise to transform your copy into magical words that cast loving + healing spells over humanity rather than a sticky sales page that begs more questions than answers.

As a copywriter-specific freelancer, I do not get distracted by trying to juggle other tasks that are not in my area of expertise, so I can focus 100% on your message + your copy.

This means you’ll get a sales page that is carefully crafted and optimized for alignment, and not a page that is filled with mediocre copy and poorly executed design with a rusty system for your funnel. 

When you hire a sales page copywriter who specializes in copywriting, you can be sure that you’re getting the best possible quality of their writing. If you want expert design, hire a graphic designer. If you want a knock-out backend system, hire a systems coach.

Always, ALWAYS leave the copy to copywriters.

How to Work with Me as Your Sales Page Copywriter

(If you would like to apply immediately so you can snag a spot on my Client List sooner than later, click the image and apply.)

sales page copywriter
sales page copywriter
sales page copywriter
sales page copywriter

Sales Page Copywriter In Summary

If you are ready to build an evergreen funnel, have a sales page you’re proud to share, or want to re-vamp your existing offer…

You should seriously consider hiring a pro-sales page copywriter to help you out. (Hey, it’s what we do!)

When searching for your dreamy copywriter, be sure to remember the previously stated characteristics we talked about, like has proof, doesn’t wear all the hats, and is excited to take you on as a new client!

And you’re looking for a sales page copywriter who understands the ins and outs of online marketing, has copywriting-specific training, can provide social proof and testimonials, and is passionate about crafting sales pages that convert, you’re in the right place!

Hire me to write magic for your offer and let’s create a sales page that will showcase your business in the best possible light and help you achieve the success you deserve. 

Click here to apply for my Copy Client List if you haven’t already!

Frequently Asked Questions about Hiring a Sales Page Copywriter:

Q: What is a sales page copywriter?

A: A sales page copywriter is a professionally trained writer who specializes in writing copy that helps aligned customers know that your offer is for them. We use proven techniques and strategies to create copy that engages, informs, and motivates the reader to take action.

Q: Why should I hire a sales page copywriter?

A: There are several reasons why you should hire a sales page copywriter. We have the skills and experience, we can save you time and effort, we understand your audience and can craft copy that resonates with them, we know what works and what doesn’t, and we can make your product or service stand out from your competition.

Q: How do I find a good sales page copywriter?

A: Hi, you found one! Click here to apply for my Copy Client List.

If you think you’d be a better fit for a different copywriter, you can look through Instagram, Google, and job sites with a quick search.

Q: How much does it cost to hire a sales page copywriter?

A: The cost of hiring a sales page copywriter varies depending on several factors, including the writer’s experience, the complexity of the project, and the length of the copy. 

Some copywriters charge by the hour, while others (like me) charge a flat fee for a specific project. 

It’s important to discuss pricing upfront and ensure that you understand the copywriter’s fees and payment terms before hiring them.

For a WOWZAAA sales page, I recommend planning to spend between $2,000 – $10,000.

Q: Can I write my own sales page copy?

A: While it is possible to write your own sales page copy, it can be difficult to create copy that is as persuasive and effective as that of a professional copywriter, and wouldn’t you rather spend your time in your zone of genius? 

Click here to apply for my Client List and let’s get started!

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