How Christina Mastered Her Messaging and Transformed Her Business (and Life!)

How Christina Mastered Her Messaging and Transformed Her Business (and Life!)

In 2022, Christina came to me with a big goal: she wanted a sales page and email campaign for her number one offer—a niche course designed specifically to help her community of moms!

She was exhausted from spending hours creating content, only to see her sales slowly trickle in, despite knowing her offer was a no-brainer for her dream clients.

Her problem? Messaging. ✍🏼

She needed copy that positioned her offers as the best solutions for her community, without sounding like every other online coach out there.

She said, “I’m so good at what I do – but I suckkkk at talking about…especially when selling.”

Sound familiar? 😅

First, she hired me for done-for-you copywriting, then we worked together through one-on-one coaching, and eventually, I helped her write, publish, and sell her Postpartum Book.

Clearly – We’re a dynamite fit…

So it came as no surprise when she joined my 1:1 program, Sell Like a Copywriter, as soon as it was offered to her!

What was surprising, though…

Was how she IMMEDIATELY jumped inside Sell Like A Copywriter – The GROUP Program, as soon as it was offered! 🤯

AKA – She paid MORE money for the same curriculum, assets, and resources in a group setting with specific coaching calls and Telegram access.

hot girl sales energy


Keep reading because you’re about to hear from Christina herself about our experience together, and how her messaging has transformed during our time together!

Psst – More of a podcast girly? Listen here 😘🎙👇🏼

From Content Overwhelm to Social-Free Launch Success

Christina is a former physical therapist who moved into the online space after having a baby.

At the time, postpartum rehab was her thing.

She knew she was really good at what she did, but horrible at talking about her offers.

Her words: “Like, I make moms hot and healthy, period. But I was gatekeeping how good I was!”

That’s right when I, the Messaging Queen, came in. ✍🏼👸🏼

I quickly became her messaging mentor, therapist (lol), and creative online bestie.

Before working together, Christina felt stuck.

Like so many creatives, she was spending countless hours on content with little to show for it.

But our work together quickly quantum leaped her results.

For example, sales pages can feel like monsters, right?

Christina definitely felt that.

But in the first week of the Sell Like a Copywriter process, she went from dreading her sales page as a non-writer to actually enjoying the writing process. Christina says:

“I was terrified when you sent me the sales page audit. I saw your edits and panicked. But then I listened to the feedback, and it just clicked! You told me exactly how to go deeper, and it was mind-blowing. I went from scared to excited—I actually sat down and fixed the entire sales page in one night!”

This is one of my favorite moments working with clients—

Seeing the shift from overwhelm to ownership.

Christina learned my proven methodology using my Sales Page Diet and Sales Page Skeleton frameworks to write her C- sales pages in less than two hours…

Then, after listening to and watching her 1:1 sales page audit, she was able to quickly implement changes that took her sales page copy from C- to A+.

And she began selling directly from her email list to her sales page WITHOUT social media! That’s the power of a killer sales page specific to your offer.

Christina Case Study Email

The Power of Owning Your Message

One of the biggest breakthroughs Christina had was learning how to own her unique and specific message.

Instead of using templates that sounded like everyone in her industry (ew, cringe), she leaned into her expertise that makes her and her offers stand out. She explains:

“I was never going to get better at talking about my work if I didn’t fully commit to learning how to write my own copy. Because of the Soulmate Client Worksheet, I know exactly who I’m speaking to and why it matters. I don’t need templates—I know how to connect with my audience in a real, meaningful way.”

This shift in perspective was a game-changer for Christina’s business.

It was never just about sales—it was always about communicating her message in a way that resonates with her soulmate clients so she could make IMPACT.

And the byproduct results? 🤔

Sales are coming in daily, without having to post on social media at all.

After Sell Like A Copywriter, she said:

“Your coaching is so fking on point. It’s direct. You’re like, “This is it. This is why. Here’s what we’re gonna do.” And if I’m like, “Jess, I’m running out of time, this is what’s going on…” You’re like, “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do about that.” And it’s, oh my god. It just like, copy feels good now, like I’m excited to talk about my offers, I’m excited to write about them, and I’m not scared of it!”

Selling Without Social Media

Because Christina learned how to write bomb-diggity launch emails specific to her offer and community in Sell Like A Copywriter, she was able to launch social-less.

Now, social media is solely a creative outlet for her that allows moms to find her space. There’s no stress.

Christina Case Study Email

She says,

“I’m like – Oh, I don’t have to be on stories today. My kid’s not feeling well. I need to drink more water and eat more food. I’ll get on tomorrow. And I don’t drag it in my head all day that I didn’t get on and sell on social media. No, it’s okay. There’s content up there, and it’s good content because of your framework.

It’s content that I have poured my love and my care into and that makes me really fking proud. You can’t take that from me, that I know I put something with good value, and I stood up for my moms today, and they’re gonna leave comments on things in my stories or content, and I’m gonna pick them up tomorrow and hold space for them like I love to do. And I’m gonna do it from a place of my cup being full, which I preach till the fking cows come home, and leading by example is everything for me.

Plus, that presence I can have with my kids! I have searched long and high for that stillness and that presence. I mean, I’ve been working on that. Being able to operate like this actually gives me that presence of separating my life from social media. And I think that’s very hard for mompreneurs to kind of figure out how they move in and out of that.

It’s just so rewarding. And you get paid for it! This month I got to go pay for gymnastics and pay for mother’s day out and go to Target and buy a pair of shoes! What is this life, it’s amazing! Literally, so amazing!”

Why She Returns to My Work Over and Over

On our very first onboarding call for done-for-you copywriting in 2022, Christina shared her 5-year goal with me, which was to launch something and then go to the park with my kids.

So I cleared it up and mirrored, “So, like a five or 10k launch, and then go to park with your kids? That’s totally doable.”

And she said, “Yeah, we’re gonna, yeah. Jess, that’s definitely gonna happen for me…” and then thought, “This chick is out of her gahdamn mind.” 😅

Spoiler alert: This is now Christina’s reality!!!

When asked why she continues to stay with me year after year, she said,

You always make me better and we continue to get results. You know that is hard to find in this world, and especially in the entrepreneur world. There are so many people selling you just bullshit. There are so many people trying to tell you, like, ‘oh, you need this thing’. But you’re never like that. You mentor me more than anything, you’re not there to sell to me, you are through and through a mentor, and you can’t fake that.

Christina Case Study

What Christina Wants You To Know About Sell Like A Copywriter

In her words,

“You’re not gonna find anything better for value for your money. Fking ever, anywhere else.

First off, the information that you get, not just with the classes, but the coaching. Holy fk, the coaching. Jess, there’s just not something better out there.

You have the information and the immersion to go with it, and you can’t have one without the other. Nothing else like this exists, especially with copy. And the audits – they blow your mind!”

And her final words were See you inside Sell Like A Copywriter. 😎

Christina’s Sell Like A Copywriter Wins

Here are Christina’s top three Sell Like A Copywriter wins, in her words:

  1. Time back with her kids: “I’ve gained so much time to be with my family and to take care of myself, and that would never exist if we didn’t do this damn thing that made it possible for me to be a mom of three! And I feel like I can communicate with my husband better. You know, instead of writing those text messages that you write and then you backspace – I’m like, No, don’t say that. Communicate, Christina!”
  2. That first sale notification: “Anytime that first sale hits your inbox, and it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve launched, that’s always a top win to feel like all that hard work you put in, all this work to do a program, you put in all this work to get a sales page up, to talk about your offer, to speak about it like that right there…and people buy. Especially when it’s on launch day 1!!!!”
  3. Loving the process of writing: “I never, never knew how much I love to write. I think any creative you know, no matter what you do, you still have to talk about what you do. You still have to write about what you do like you have to write emails, you have to write a post, you have to write a blog like you have to write about what you do. And I just never knew it’s it’s so therapeutic!”

Ready to Sell Like a Copywriter?

If you’re reading this and thinking, I need to get in on this—you’re right.

Sell Like a Copywriter isn’t just about learning to write—it’s about transforming how you think about your business and how you connect with everyone in your life.

Christina is now gearing up for her next launch, with all the messaging material, copy confidence, and launch reframes to make it a huge success.

And the best part? She’s doing it all while spending more time with her family, less time stressing, and loving every minute of it.

If you are ready to sell like a copywriter so you can stop doom-scrolling socials for inspo and paying for templates that sound cringe af –

Click here to join Sell Like A Copywriter and I can’t wait to welcome you inside!

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