Freelance Writing Mentor 101

Whether you’re a freelance wordsmith, a side-hustling scribe, or just starting out on your writing journey, there’s one secret weapon you need to have in your back pocket: a freelance writing mentor.

And no, we’re not talking about a wise old sage pulling out typewriters and whiskey like Hemingway. 

We’re talking about a badass writing mentor who will help you hone your craft, crush your goals, and take your writing game to the next level. 

So if you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start making some serious word-magic and bank account growth, read on!

(TLDR; Looking to hire a freelance writing mentor? Apply for my Mentorship Magic here, and let’s see if we’d be a good fit together. <3)

Freelance Writing Mentor: Defined

Starting your freelancing writing career can feel like being stranded on a deserted island (okay, maybe not that dramatic, but go with me here) with all the tools you need to start navigating your way out, but you’re just not sure what to do first, so you take a guess. And that thing worked…a little. But where do you go next to keep the ball rolling with massive momentum?

This is where your trusty freelance writing mentor comes in. 

A freelance writing mentor is like your personal Gilligan, but instead of coconuts, we have a wealth of writing knowledge, experience, and encouragement, because we’ve been in this game just a bit longer than you have…and we want to help you AVOID the mistakes we made.

Freelance writing mentors can help you navigate the choppy waters of writer’s block, steer you toward writing opportunities that make your soul scream HELL YEAH and you may not have considered otherwise, and offer constructive feedback to help you sharpen your skills. 

Plus, we’re always up for a good venting session or passing a virtual blunt while brain-dumping new ideas. So if you’re feeling a little lost at sea in your writing career, a freelance writing mentor is the Schmidt to your Nick – we’re here to help you push through when it seems too intimidating to do by yourself.

A freelance writing mentor can help with strategy, cold pitching, client calls, and writing skills, but we can also help with mindset shifts, setting boundaries, and getting you out of your own head.

Think of your freelance writing mentor as your writing teacher, therapist, guide, and confidant all in one.

How to Choose the Best Freelance Writing Mentor (For Your Journey)

If you’re looking to make $1,000 – $5,000+ from your freelance writing career in 2023, finding the right mentor can be a game-changer. 

Here are a few tips to help you choose the best freelance writing mentor to help you reach your goals:

  • Look for a writer who has experience being where you want to be.

  • Read testimonials from prior students to verify what they’ve done for other freelance writers

  • Trust the vibe and go with your gut–a mentor can bring magic if it’s a great fit. Only you will know if it’s going to be.

While you may have specific qualifications (and that’s totally okay), don’t get too held up in the nuances of their networks, clients, or social media.

I’ve had some of the most beneficial mentor experiences from writers with no social media at all, who are writing for entirely different sets of humans than I desire to be writing with.

All in all, work with someone you trust, who will call you out, and be ready to grow. This is truly all it takes to have a life-changing mentorship experience.

7 Reasons to Hire a Freelance Writing Mentor

As a fellow freelance writer, I see the struggles that come with trying to make a name for yourself while getting clients and making money, while still prioritizing your other obligations. 

That’s why I’m here to tell you that a freelance writing mentor could be just the boost you need to take your writing to the next level. Here are seven reasons why you should consider hiring a freelance writing mentor:

  1. You’re feeling stuck.

Whether it’s writer’s block or a lack of direction, a freelance writing mentor can help you unlock your creativity as a waterfall you can pull from any time.

  1. You need accountability.

It’s hard to stay motivated when you’re working on your own. A mentor will keep you on track and help you set realistic goals to achieve because you will have consistent check-ins and possibly homework to complete to keep you moving forward.

  1. You want to improve your craft.

A writing mentor will provide you with constructive feedback, edits, and teachings to enhance your skills in a way that’s personal to you. Sure you can take a freelance writing course (like this one), but hiring a freelance writing mentor will give specific benefits to your unique journey.

  1. You’re struggling with self-doubt.

Imposter syndrome is real, and it’s not something you have to face alone. A mentor will help you gain confidence in your writing skills, guide you in reaching out to clients who will drastically benefit from your service, and give you the support to keep pushing through to your next big win.

  1. You want to expand your network.

Funny enough, my first freelance writing gig came from a mentor *I* was paying. Mentors can introduce you to industry contacts and help you navigate the world of freelancing without feeling like you have to constantly make new connections all on your own.

  1. You need support.

Writing can be a lonely business, but a mentor can oftentimes act as your personal cheerleader when you knowwwww you’re doing the right things, but need a reminder from time to time.

  1. You want to make more money

Point, blank, period-a freelance writing mentor can help you spot new opportunities, fine-tune your skills, grow your packages, and hit your goals by being just a few steps removed from your business. If you want to grow your business, invest in people to help you do just that. 

(Note: DO NOT hire anyone or invest in any program with the sole purpose of making more money. Mentors, coaches, and teachers can provide you with reframes and skills to grow your bank account, but it is always dependent on YOU, not us.)

If you read any of these reasons and thought, “Dangit, she’s talking directly to me. I know I need this,” click here to apply for my 2023 mentorship list! I will reach out ASAP if it feels like a good fit. <3

Trust me, your writing career will thank you!

Working with a Freelance Writing Mentor

When you work with a freelance writing mentor, you’re not just signing up for a few writing tips or critiques of your work. 

You’re agreeing to a collaborative partnership, one where you both work together to achieve your writing goals. 

To put it bluntly, you should expect a challenge that will push you out of your comfort zone–this is where you grow!

A good mentor will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and then work with you to develop strategies to overcome your challenges. 

We can provide constructive feedback on your writing, while also helping you build your confidence and believe in your own abilities. 

Working with a mentor is a journey in and of itself, and it’s important to have an open mind, solid trust with both yourself and your mentor, and fluid communication if you want to get the most out of your mentorship. 

If you’re ready to take your writing to the next level and achieve your idea of success beyond your wildest dreams, working with a freelance writing mentor can give you a steady curve about the rest.

You can find a freelance writing mentor that works within your schedule and is as hands-on or hands-off as you need.

Some mentors offer weekly 1:1 calls, daily text communication, constant edits, or a need-to-need basis. Choose the plan that feels best for YOUR journey, but also take into consideration what the mentor is recommending as well.

For example, you have 2 unique ways to work with me as your freelance writing mentor:

  1. Freelancing for Freedom

This is my self-paced course that you can go through at your leisure, while also having the options to attend weekly Writing Walks, quarterly live calls, and a private group experience where you can ask your questions, get personalized answers, and find endless support.

If you want to strengthen your freelancing business, occasionally pop in for accountability, and have opportunities to ask your questions, this course will be perfect for your journey.

Read more about Freelancing for Freedom here.

  1. Mentorship Magic

This is your opportunity for a personal 1:1 mentorship experience, and it is by application only. You will receive full access to Freelancing for Freedom, and you are also able to reach out to me Monday – Wednesday during my office hours, receive weekly edits and reframes, and a monthly 1:1 call with me only. (This is the ONLY way to work with me outside of a group session.)

If you have already been making some side-hustle income from freelancing and want to take it to your next level with a pocket mentor (lol) you can call on whenever needed, you will EAT THIS UP!! 

Apply for Mentorship Magic here.

Tips for Your Freelance Writing Mentorship

Showing up for a successful freelance writing mentorship is like showing up for a first date with Ryan Reynolds or Megan Fox…because we’re in this for the long run, bby.

You don’t have to be perfect (well, Blake Lively causes some intimidation but MGK makes it feel more achievable, right? Lol), but you want to show up on your A-game ready to listen, engage, and have healthy conversations.

Here are a few tips:

First things first, respect your mentor’s time. If you need to cancel a call, do so as SOON as you realize it. Instead of ghosting a message, let your mentor know how you’re feeling and when to expect a response. And most of all, do NOT no show, no call your meetings. Your mentor is here to help and can only help if you’re there! SHOW UP. 

Next, come prepared with questions, any homework, and a notebook. Don’t want to rely on your memory to hang onto the gems your mentor is dropping left and right, write them down! Ask your questions, too, because this helps lead personalized conversations. We don’t know what you need if you aren’t communicating with us. (Reminder: the only dumb question is the one not asked. <3)

You also need to bring a growth attitude! Leave your ego at the door and be open to constructive criticism, because, after all, your mentor wants to see you succeed as much as you do. Remember why you chose to hire a mentor and trust that you made the right decision. You do not always need to take every word or tactic they provide but listen to everything they say so you can find the right tools YOU need for your freelancing business.

Finally, let your mfknnnn personality shine, baby! Your mentor wants to get to know YOU, not a robot being programmed to write for everyone else. (If we want to hang out with AI, we could just do that. But we want to hang out with you, you human!) Crack jokes, share stories, and let your passion for writing lead your life.  

The very last tip I want to share with you is that you don’t have to do every single thing your mentor says. You can say no. You should be encouraged to set (and hold) your boundaries. 

This is YOUR journey–and only you truly know what’s best for you, your business, your clients, and your goals. While your mentor can help you make drastic growth and progress, we’re just here to guide you with what we know…and sometimes, what we know may not 100% apply to you–

And that’s okay.

Take what serves you, leave the rest.

Final Freelance Writing Mentor Thoughts

As a freelancer who’s been in the game since 2019, I can assure you that having a mentor can make a huge difference in your journey. Mentors guide you through the tough times, celebrate your wins, and help you level up your skills. Plus, a calming mentor session to close out your day is a great reason to spark up and practice your listening skills for a few hours. 

But let’s be real, finding the right mentor can be intimidating. 

It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made of social media influencers just trying to make a buck and coaches who have no idea what freelancing is like but is ready for you to sign up and pay them.

But I promise – the perfect mentor for you IS attainable, and it’s up to you to put yourself out there and find them. 

And if you enjoyed reading this article, I’d love to be considered as your freelance writing mentor. <3 You can click here to apply for my Mentorship Magic container where you will get daily support, 1:1 calls, and weekly edits for 3 months. 

2023 is your year. I can feel it for you. 🥵

Frequently Asked Questions About Freelance Writing Mentors:

Q: What is a freelance writing mentor?

A: A freelance writing mentor is an experienced freelance writer who offers guidance, advice, and support to other freelance writers who are looking to improve their writing skills, get in front of dream clients, negotiate + increase rates, and develop a solid strategy for their career + goals.

If you’re looking for a freelance writing mentor, apply here.

Q: How can a freelance writing mentor help me?

A: A freelance writing mentor can help you in many ways, including improving your writing skills, providing feedback on your work, helping you develop a strategy for your freelance writing career, and providing guidance on how to pitch to clients.

Q: What qualifications should I look for in a freelance writing mentor?

A: You should look for a freelance writing mentor who has experience as a freelance writer and a track record of working with other freelance writers to help them achieve their goals.

Q: What should I expect from a freelance writing mentorship?

A: You should expect a personalized approach to mentorship, with a focus on your specific goals and needs (which should be discussed on your first call or application). Your mentor should provide feedback on your writing, help you develop a strategy for your career, and provide guidance on moving through the world of freelance writing.

Q: Where can I find a freelance writing mentor?

A: Hi, you found one! It’s me. 😉 Apply for Mentorship Magic here.

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