If you’re not familiar with ChatGPT, you’re probably living under a rock. 😅
But that’s totally okay.
Let me fill you in.
ChatGPT is basically a computer robot-
It’s artificial intelligence that has a plethora of imputed bots to help you create more content, quicker..
Now, there are a lot of limitations to any artificial intelligence writer, no matter how smart it gets, because it’s learning from humans, but isn’t human.
And when we talk about using ChatGPT to help you write and publish more, whether you are a freelance writer or online business owner, there seem to be a lot of blurred lines.
Psst – More of a podcast baddie? I got yaaa 👇🏼
Is ChatGPT An Ethical Way to Write More, Quicker?
ChatGPT is very ethical for writers – when you are disclosing how, why, and where you are using it.
The main reason I think this is because ChatGPT is never going to be able to truly write a human-to-human.
It is never going to be inside of your brain.
It is never going to be able to ask the same questions that you can ask, and it’s also never going to be able to fully understand your brand or business’s mission, story, or presence as a whole.
Plus it’s not able to do all of the research on your soulmate clients – you have to input that research yourself.
How to Use ChatGPT to Write Quicker
ChatGPT puts out what you feed it.
So if you can prompt it well, you can get some really good content out of it.
But you have to prompt it to get good substance from it.
You can’t just say, “Hey, write a caption for a business coach.”
Now, the whole point of freelance writing, copywriting, or content writing is to really dive into the brand and the brand story, and write from the standpoint of the brand for the brand’s audience.
And that’s something that AI can’t do too well on its own.
Meaning, yes, you can prompt AI to write a blog article…but you’re going to have to copy + paste it into a new document and edit and enhance it on your own, every time.

ChatGPT’s Limitations
ChatGPT can write an article that may be able to rank pretty decently and provide some information, but it leaves out one very, very important piece of the puzzle:
Human experience.
We can’t (yet) prompt AI with the full human experience, because it’s not human.
[I say yet because we don’t know where like we’re in the future, right? Like we’re living the Jetsons life.]
Which means if I’m using AI to even create prompts, talking points, or a content list…
Everything that AI provides is not a one-and-done project.
This is one of the primary reasons I think ChatGPT is incredibly ethical for both freelance writers and online business owners.
You are always going to need to edit over ChatGPT if you want high-performing copy, content, or creations.
But when used as a tool as a resource, it will help you shorten the time it takes you to draft, write, and edit your projects.
When Is ChatGPT Unethical?
If you are considering using ChatGPT to write the content that people are paying you to write without editing it or communicating this with your clients, maybe check back in with yourself.
You need to make sure you are delivering what your client wants, not cheap work that the client can do themselves for a small fraction of the costs.
If you are using ChatGPT to plan your content calendar, provide ideas or clarity, and draft out your sales pages, emails, or ads, you want to edit line-by-line over what this bot gives you for multiple reasons.
- ChatGPT will never perfect your brand voice – that is your job.
- Sometimes, you will get misinformation. Triple-check that what you’re saying is accurate.
- This AI is a tool or resource, not a human replacement.
One unethical boundary would be having a client pay $500 for a blog article, and then you’re popping it in ChatGPT and saying, “hey, write a listicle about the top seven books for business entrepreneurs in the spirituality space.”
Then you copy + paste it into a Google Document and send it over to your client as is.
Instead, maybe lean back into, “Is this really what my client is paying for? Are they really getting the best bang for their buck with this?”
And, you know, move accordingly.
If you feel uncomfortable ethically using ChatGPT, tell your clients!
Talk to your clients about the fact that you use ChatGPT to get started on your projects.
Remind them that you’re still doing the writing, you’re just using chat GPT as a resource.
If you have a client that has a problem with this but you don’t want to go back to longer writing processes, that may simply mean that you have an unaligned working relationship.
Or you can pivot and say, “Okay, well, then I won’t use ChatGPT if that’s a boundary for you. That’s no problem. We just won’t use it in our work.”
Your business, your way.
Another thing that you can do is write about it in your content!
Talk about how you use ChatGPT.
Give your clients tips on how you’re using it!
This way they can see it in effect and use it as well.
How to Use ChatGPT for Effective Outputs
Truly, I don’t understand the hate that AI gets in an evolving world where we want to evolve.
Why would you want to backtrack?
ChatGPT is a great asset for any business owner, or anybody in the online space who is writing content.
Plus, it’s a great resource for freelance writers who want to maximize their time and write quicker without hiring a second writer.
How to use ChatGPT as a Freelance Writer
You can use ChatGPT to assist you in writing your clients’ content calendars, scripts, captions, and more.
Prompting ChatGPT for Content
Before you ask for any work, tell ChatGPT:
- who your client is
- what their specialty is
- what their niche is
- who they are helping
- what they are doing
- what offers they have available
- and how they help
If you are using ChatGPT to write blog articles, provide:
- The SEO keyword
- The word count you’re aiming for
- What are we writing for?
- Who are we trying to reach?
- The brand’s voice
You can say, “Here’s a sample of our brand voice, please write in this style.”
It’s important to note that:
- You’re gonna have to go back and reread it
- You’re gonna have to go back and edit
- You’re gonna have to delete
- You’re gonna have to change things
How I Recommend Using ChatGPT As A Freelance Writer
- Article ideas
- FAQ sections for your article
- Killer outlines
- Fill in a blank page
And even if it saves you 30 minutes to an hour of your time, it’s worth it!
If you prompt it well, you can get a great starting output.
Make sure that you’re going back through it and be open to changing and editing and navigating it so that it is personalized content.
How to Use ChatGPT for Copywriting
When we’re navigating using AI for copywriting, it does get a bit different. I
I don’t frequently use ChatGPT for copywriting, but I do use it for starting points, hook ideas, and topics.
Sometimes I also ask ChatGPT to help me learn more about the people I’m writing to: what they are looking for and the best way(s) to provide the solutions.
This is because copywriting is much more in-depth than content writing.
Prompting ChatGPT for Copywriting
- What is your offer
- What is your brand voice
- What is your mission
- Who is your soulmate client
- What copy do you want
- Where will your copy be published
How I Recommend Using ChatGPT for Copywriting
- Copy outlines
- Prompts
- Frameworks
- Soulmate client research
- Hooks
- Story ideas
How to Use ChatGPT As An Online Business Owner

You’re going to want to make sure that you have a very solid brand voice that you can feed to ChatGPT so it can write in your tone.
You also want to make sure that you know who your client is for each specific offer.
You are also going to want to make sure you have very specific ideas, feelings, benefits and promises around your product and your offer.
Primarily, you can ChatGPT to know who it’s writing to and what it’s writing about.
We’re not using ChatGPT to build your brand – again, that is your job.
But the more your brand is solidified, the more you can give information to ChatGPT to help you excel in writing more and more and more content and copy for your brand.
Let’s say you’re an online course creator, and you want to start creating more content, but you don’t have a solid brand voice.
In this case, I recommend hiring a copywriter.
(Like me, hi! Click here to apply.)
When we work together to build a Brand Voice Guide, you’ll receive your:
- Mission story
- Business story
- Ideal client
- Who is not your client
- What kinds of words to use
- What kinds of words not to use
Then, once you know your brand voice, you can begin using ChatGPT to maximize your content and copy efforts by following the above tips, prompts, and reminders.
Click here to apply to my Client List.
Be sure to leave “BVG” in your application notes so I know what you want right away!
Using ChatGPT In Summary
This article is a solid starting point for navigating ChatGPT within your business, whether you are a freelance writer or other online business owner.
If you’re trying to bulk out content, and you just can’t keep up with putting out content, you can’t hire a writer for whatever reason, or you’re not ready to grow your team…
ChatGPT is a wonderful tool in your tool belt.
But if you have the finances to hire a writer, copywriter, writing strategist, or writing mentor, I highly highly, highly recommend that instead.
Because no AI is going to fully replace a human talking to a human and doing the human things.
So, sure, go try out ChatGPT, and the worst case is – you hate it and never use it again.
But at least you tried it.
Don’t limit yourself to resources just because Sally, the $100K-In-Bio business strategist on Instagram is telling you that ChatGPT is unethical.
Frequently Asked Questions About ChatGPT for Writers and Business Owners
Q: What is ChatGPT?
A: ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) language model developed by OpenAI that can generate text based on the prompts you give it.
Q: Is ChatGPT ethical?
A: The ethics of using ChatGPT depend on how you use it.
Q: How do I prompt ChatGPT for content and copywriting?
A: Use the information in this article to provide clear, specific instructions and context for the type of content you need, including details like tone, audience, and key points to cover.
Q: I don’t want to use ChatGPT. Can I hire you to write for me instead?
A: Yes, absolutely! I would love to write your sales pages, emails, or ads. (Plus, I can turn these into content for you, too.)
Click here to apply to my Client List.
Q: How can I learn to write better copy without using ChatGPT?
A: I believe you are the best-fit copywriter for your business because you know it better than anyone. In my 1:1 program Sell Like A Copywriter, I train you to write copy specifically for your business, offers, and community.
Click here to learn more about Sell Like A Copywriter.