If you are an online business owner preparing to launch (or re-launch) with email marketing being a top-priority marketing measure…
You are going to LUVVVV this article!
As a launch copywriter, I’ve written launch emails for hundreds of online business owners to sell their products, courses, books, resources, and services.
Regardless of the industry or income, one thing about email marketing stays the same:
Your launch sequence matters, and they are all made up of the same emails.
Whether you are running an exclusive 7-day launch, a traditional 2-week launch, or opening an evergreen launch…
This article is going to walk you through the ins and outs of launch email marketing so you can write effective launch emails.
Plus – steal my top-performing launch email templates for launching at the bottom of this article! You can double or triple them for longer or evergreen launches.
Psst – More of a podcast girly? I got you 😘👇
Understanding The Launch Email Sequence
If you are currently sending weekly bi-weekly emails to your email list, launching via email is a no-brainer.
But what if your email list is…more like a ghost town?
Maybe you’ve heard and seen so much about email marketing that you want to use it to launch…but don’t know where to start.
Before launching with email, I highly recommend sending a solid welcome or re-engagement sequence so you can:
- Revive your list
- Remind your email family of your business + offers
- Tease your new launch!
Click here to read How To Start Or Re-Engage Your Email Right Now
Once you’ve started or re-engaged your email list, it’s time to plan your launch email campaign.

What is a Launch Email Sequence?
A launch email sequence or campaign is designed to engage and inform your community about your offer, and then sell it to them!
While there is a traditional flow we will look at later in this article, you can customize your launch email marketing plan to fit your brand, messaging, offer, and energy.
This may mean that you:
- Change the order of email examples
- Send 3+ emails per example per launch instead of only one
- Use email marketing as one way to sell instead of the only way to sell
- Sell to a waitlist instead of your entire email list (or vice versa)
- Outsource these launch emails to a copywriter (hi 🙋🏼♀️click here) instead of writing them on your own
At the end of the business day, your launch email sequence is meant to sell your offers–
Whether you are running an open-close cart or an evergreen offer.
Why You Need a Launch Email Sequence
There are a lot of negotiables in the online business world…
But a launch email sequence is not one of them (unless you like leaving money on the table).
Did you know that your email provides the over highest (potential) return on investment out of ALL your marketing measures?
I meannnn, if you aren’t optimizing your email list – what even are you doing!?
Because you’re reading this article (ily), I know I don’t need to convince you to sell via email.
So here are just a few quick reasons you need a launch email sequence to make more money:
- Build anticipation and excitement around your launch
- Educate your community about your industry + offer
- Show (versus tell) why your offer is the motherfreaking best solution available
Planning Your Launch Email Sequence
When launching anything online, you need to have an effective plan…
And I’m going to help you build your launch plan without hiring anyone!
Whether you are launching with an open/close cart date or releasing an evergreen offer, use the following section to plan your launch email sequence.
Creating Your Email Launch Timeline
A traditional launch in the online world lasts two weeks and has an open cart and close cart date.
This is a beneficial launch because you can clearly explain when your doors open and when they close. (Natual scarcity.)
But, this is not the way you have to launch, if you don’t want to.
You may choose to (these are suggestions, customize your launch based on your business):
- Open/close cart launch for 4 weeks – 6 months
- Evergreen launch with a 2-week bonus
- One-week hard push launch
- 4-week soft launch with a 4-week hard push
- 1 week tease, 1 week pre-sale, 1 week soft launch, 1 week hard launch
Truly, the options for your launch are endless.
Your business, your way.
And the best part of launching…
Is that you can always launch again in a different way, so do not put pressure on your launch.
Below, you’ll find seven email examples I recommend writing for EVERY launch, and you can use these emails as much as you want, in as many ways as you choose to!
You can use these examples to plan your launch email strategy regardless of your launch timeframe, and I will show you how.
Setting Goals for Your Launch
Instead of launching willy-nilly, let’s set your launch goals.
Now that you know how long you will be launching for, you can set your goals accordingly.
When setting your launch email goals, here are a few goals you’ll want to consider:
- Income goals
- New student or client goals
- Open, clicks, reply goals
- Selling through social media
- Number of launch emails
- How hands-on/off you want to be
- Collaborations
You can choose one goal for your launch, but it’s better to set minimum, comfy medium, and big stretch goals so you can confidently support and show up for your launch regardless of the results you’re seeing.
Minimum Goal
This is your ‘I had higher hopes, but I’m grateful for this anyway’ goal.
- Least amount of new students you’re imagining
- 30% of your big stretch income goal that would feel ‘worth it’ for your business
- Number of clicks, opens, or replies without new enrollments
Comfy Medium
This is your ‘Okay, that was pretty cool! I’m happy with this’ goal.
- Mid-range amount of new students or clients that feel aligned to sign
- 60% of your big stretch income goal that would feel super supportive for your business
- Realistic range of clicks, opens, or replies based on your current engagment
Big Stretch
This is your ‘What the heck!? I can’t believe this!!!!’ goal.
- “Holy cow, I signed HOW MANY!?” amount of students or clients enrolling that feels absolutely unreal
- 110% of your ideal, dreamy income from this launch
- Push goal for clicks, opens, or replies because you wrote super juicy copy
When you set a range of goals, your more likely to ENJOY your launch –
And you’re less likely to want to burn your business to the ground if you don’t reach those ‘big stretch’ goals, because you planned for a range of results.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to online marketing or email launching.
What worked last launch may not work this launch.
And what didn’t work last launch, may work this launch!
You will see results –
So get clear on the results that are important for you and your business, then plan accordingly.
7 Emails To Send With Every Launch
The best part of these launch emails is that they work for ALL online (really ALL, period) businesses!

1️⃣ Pre-Launch Teaser Email
Before launching, let your community know what’s going on inside your business and upcoming launch!
Don’t just drop your offer and tagline, though.
In this email, include some super dreamy details about who your offer is for, when it opens, what’s included, and why your community will want to take action AS SOON AS you send the next email.
Pro tip: If you really want to go big here, offer an exclusive pre-sale link with a discount or bonus so your “I’m ready right now” peeps can get in immediately and your bank account can get a quick cash infusion!
2️⃣ Offer Announcement and Overview Email
Okay, so your offer is live.
What does your READY RIGHT NOW community need to know to run to their credit card and enroll while their reading your email?
If you didn’t run a pre-sale special, this email is for the people who are ready to buy and simply need the link!
And if you did run a pre-sale special, this email is for everyone who either didn’t see your Teaser email or needed a liiiiiiitle more information before finding their wallet!
You can repurpose the offer information from your Teaser email and elaborate on the details (and be sure to add the cherries on top of your offer).
To write your email copy without repurposing, think about your:
- Offer name
- Description
- Pricing
- Bonuses
- Logistics
- Soulmate clients
- Next Steps
3️⃣ Before/After Dreamworld Email
Paint the picture of where people BEGIN working with you or your offer…
Take them through the work…
And show them the afterworld!
Let them future-trip in the best imaginable way with you.
What is their life like after working with you, enrolling in this course, or joining your program?
You can write separate emails on different time frames, too.
Here are some email subject line examples:
- Your Life 3mo After (Offer Name)
- What happens 6mo Post-(Offer Name)
- In One Year, (Offer Name) Will…
If you’re struggling to write these emails, think about students clients you’ve already worked with, or are currently working with.
Where did they start?
What work did y’all do together?
Where are they now?
Find the main path throughout y’all’s time together,.
Then, you can paint a dreamy picture showing what your offer does, and where it could take new clients and students.
Ps- make sure the ‘after’ is truly where your soulmate clients want to be – this shouldn’t change your offer, but it may freshen up your specific messaging!
4️⃣ Case Study Email
Similar to the above email, this email tells a before, during, and after story…
But with a realllll personnnn who has worked with you or this offer before!
If you imagined previous and current clients to write email number three, here is where you write their story!
This works SO WELL because reading about something working is one thing…
But seeing it work for a client or customer is a whole different buy in!
You can think of this as a testimonial email on steroids, a testimonial with a lot of razzle-dazzle.
To write your case study copy, look at your feedback forms, client notes, and past conversations.
Use this framework to start your case study email:
Client Name (CN) – Time Together (TT) – primary transformation (PT) Offer Name (ON) – Preferred Pronoun (PP)
Have you ever wanted to [primary transformation (PT) for CN]?
When (CN) joined [ON], [PP]
- [Starting point characteristic 1]
- [Starting point characteristic 2]
- [Starting point characteristic 3]
[PP] thought (PP) problem was [starting point unawareness].
But once I got a closer look inside [PP] business…
I realized it was actually [the ‘work’ inside your offer].
So, I pointed [PP] to [ON because I knew this was the key to [PT].
Immediately, [CN] got to work on [starting point awareness] and:
- [Little win from specific ‘work’ inside your offer]
- [Little win from specific ‘work’ inside your offer]
- [Little win from specific ‘work’ inside your offer]
After [TT], [CN] was able to [PT] without
- [Starting point characteristic (rephrased)]
- [Starting point characteristic (rephrased)
- [Starting point characteristic (rephrased)]
Because [PP] learned how to [PT] inside [ON].
Are you ready to [PT] without [primary starting or middle point characteristic] so you can [PT]?
Click here to enroll in [ON] today for [Investment Price] so you can [PT] in the next [TT].
Sign off
P.S. TLDR; [ON] helps you [PT] in less than [TT].
Don’t believe me?
Scroll up and read [CN]’s story!
Then come back and sign up for [ON] so you can [PT] while [little, medium, or secondary big win].
Wow, you are oh-so-stinking welcome for the entire case study template. 😉
Remember to use this as a framework – customize with your own razzle dazzle!
5️⃣ Frequently Asked Questions Email
Writing your launch emails is incredibly simpler if you start with writing your sales page (tips here).
Once you have your sales page, you can copy + paste your FAQ section into this email!
Then, spice it up with some email copy formatting, a clear call-to-action, and answers driving directly to your offer.
Pro Tip: Use ChatGPT for ideas here. 🤭 You can copy + paste your sales page into ChatGPT with the prompt:
“You are a (your ideal client) looking for (offer result). (Offer name) is your best solution to (offer result). Here is the sales page:
Now, you are a (ideal client) looking to enroll in (offer name) to (offer result).
List 10-20 questions you have before deciding to invest in (offer name).”
P.S. Keep each email related to ONE question and ONE answer.
If you are doing a 7-day launch and don’t want to send 7 FAQ emails, choose your top 3-5 questions for one email.
6️⃣ Objections Email
Why wouldn’t someone sign up for this (apart from not being a good fit)?
What are they thinking that’s keeping them from working with you?
Speak to it here.
You should already have a plethora of objections to write about from your sales page.
You can also use the prior ChatGPT prompt for this email.
For the last line, say “List 10-20 objections you may have before deciding to invest in (offer name).”
P.S. Keep each email related to ONE objection.
If you are doing a 7-day launch and don’t want to send 7 objection emails, choose your top 3-5 objections for one email.
You can also include + conquer one objection inside your other emails as well!
7️⃣ Last Chance Email
Always, always, allllwayyyyyssss send a last chance email.
You can send it out 30 minutes before doors close or the morning of doors closing.
Your emails, your way.
But pleeeenty of peeps wait until the last minute to enroll or buy for a plethora of reasons.
So be sure to send out the last chance reminder.
I like to keep this super sweet and confidently clear:
(Offer name) will help you (transformation).
This is your last reminder to enroll in (offer name) for (investment).
Here’s what happens when you enroll:
- What happens first
- What happens next
- What happens after
If you don’t enroll today (this happens).
Click here to start (offer name) so you can (transformation) and (second win, third win, fourth win) without (insert).
I repeat…
This is your last reminder that enrollment for (offer name) ends at (day/time).
Click here to check it out one last time.
Sign off
And remember: many business owners double their launch results in the last 24 hours of their launch!!
So a l w a y s send a last chance reminder. <3
More Launch Email Sequence Ideas
- Who is (offer name) for
- Who is (offer name) not for
- Why I created (offer name)
- You need (offer name) if…
- (Offer name) is the key to…
- I wish I had (offer name) when (starting point)
- Before enrolling in (offer name), you should know…
- Do not enroll in (offer name) if…
How to Write Better Emails for Your Launch Sequence
If you’re reading this article like,
“I really want to write better email copy for this launch. I want to write launch copy that makes my clients and community think that I’m in their freakin brain, and I know exactly what answers they need before they even ask the question…but I just don’t know how to write that copy. I’m not a write. I know I can master simple selling but I need help writing specific messaging…”
Then click here to join Sell Like A Copywriter.
In this hybrid pre-recorded and 1:1 program, you are going to learn how to write all of your sales assets, including your entire launch email sequence, like a professional copywriter trained specifically for your business so you can
- double your results
- sign more clients
- launch more offers
- make more money
Start Sell Like A Copywriter today by clicking here.
Launch Email Marketing In Conclusion
Now that you’ve planned your launch and written your launch email sequence…
Get that offer out into the world, baby!
Remember, your emails are your superpower–
It’s the one place you can forget about algorithms, word count, or engagement.
Use them to build excitement, educate your community, and show off why your offer is the absolute best out there.
And don’t forget to add your own razzle-dazzle to the launch email sequence templates in this article.
They’re here to make your launch less stressful and more fun!
If you want to write better email copy to reach your big stretch launch goals, click here to see if Sell Like A Copywriter is a good fit for you.
Go write your launch emails. 😘

Frequently Asked Questions about Launch Email Marketing
Q: How many emails should I send during my launch?
A: There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but a solid launch sequence typically includes at least 7 emails:
- pre-launch teaser
- offer announcement
- dreamworld transformation
- case study
- Objections
- last chance reminder.
You can always add more based on your audience’s engagement and your launch length.
Q: What if my email list is inactive or small?
A: No worries!
Start with a welcome or re-engagement sequence to revive your list and remind them of your awesomeness.
Share valuable content, tease your upcoming launch, and build excitement.
Even a small, engaged list can lead to a successful launch if you nurture it well.
Q: Can I customize these email templates for different types of launches?
A: Absolutely!
These templates are flexible and can be adapted for any launch type – whether it’s a 7-day blitz, a traditional 2-week open/close cart, or an evergreen launch.
Mix and match, add your personal flair, and tailor them to fit your brand’s voice and your audience’s needs.
Your launch, your way!
Q: How do I set realistic goals for my launch email sequence?
A: Setting realistic goals involves considering different metrics like income, new clients or students, and engagement rates.
Create a range of goals: minimum (the least you’d be happy with), comfy medium (a solid, satisfactory result), and big stretch (your dream scenario).
This way, you’ll have clear targets and stay motivated regardless of the outcome.
Q: How do I measure the success of my launch email sequence?
A: Measure success by tracking key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall revenue generated.
Compare these metrics against your goals to see how well your emails are performing.
Use this data to adjust your strategy for future launches.
Q: Can I automate my launch email sequence?
Automation is a powerful tool that can save you time and ensure consistency.
Use an email marketing platform to schedule your emails in advance, segment your list for targeted messaging, and set up triggers based on subscriber actions.
Automation allows you to focus on other aspects of your launch while ensuring your emails go out on time.
Q: Can you write my launch email sequence for me?
Awe, shucks! I sure can. 🙂
My done-for-you copywriting service includes:
- Planning your launch email sequence
- Writing all of your launch emails
- Pre-scheduling your launch emails
- Analyzing your analytics to improve your launch results
Click here to apply for my done-for-you copywriting services so we can talk more about your email list, goals, and strategy!