Writing a landing page is a fairly simple process for trained copywriters…but it can be a daunting task for businesses and coaches who have a million other things to do than write a landing page.
Many offers benefit from having a landing page, but how do you write a well-performing one?
This article is going to teach you everything you need to know about landing page copywriting, reasons to hire a copywriter, how to know if you need a landing page, and tips for writing your own landing page.
If you are an aspiring copywriter, in the process of building a solid brand, an online business owner interested in learning how to write a landing page, or considering hiring a landing page copywriter for your services or offers, you’re going to love this article.
(Click here to copy the link so you can send it to your team.)
What is a Landing Page?
A landing page is a standalone page that pushes your audience, prospects, and new eyes to your offer, service, or product.
Typically, landing pages are for circumstances where you give a free offer to your community, and in exchange, they give you their email address.
Landing pages are used when minimal information is needed to show your audience why they need to download, purchase, or watch your offer. Unlike a sales page, landing pages are relatively short, with only the key product/offer information.
Click here to read about Sales Pages vs Landing Pages if you are unsure of which you need.
If you use an email marketing program like ConverKit, you are able to create quick landing pages directly through that website.
Otherwise, you may need to get a little creative and make a new page on your website, use a Canva template with clickable links, or simply type in a Google document and send it from there.
Keep reading this article to learn my best tips for writing a landing page regardless of WHERE your page is hosted.
Before we do that, though, let’s look at a few reasons it may be in your best interest to hire a landing page copywriter.
5 Reasons to Hire a Landing Page Copywriter
Here’s my concise answer: I want you to be able to keep this as simple as you need it to be. If that means you need to write it yourself in a Google document because that’s the most accessible option right now, that’s okay!!
You can always hire a copywriter to fix, edit, or adjust your landing page. If you write your own landing page and would like to have a copywriter’s eyes run over it before you publish it, click here to apply for a personalized copy audit from me.
(I do want to caution you that hiring a re-write may come at the same or higher price point of hiring a copywriter in the first place, pending the copywriter you hire.)
For others, it’s more reasonable to invest in a copywriter from the beginning, and this section is specifically for you.
Here are reasons you should consider hiring a landing page copywriter:

- You don’t have the time to write a landing page
Copywriters are seemingly a luxury hire for when you want to put your time into other, more important aspects of your business (like PR opportunities or CEO duties).
Especially if you are planning an entire launch, there are a million other things you could be doing than writing a landing page.
And if you are going to pay someone on your team to write it anyways, it is definitely in your (and your wallet’s) best interest to hire a landing page copywriter.
- You have multiple offers that need landing pages ASAP
Let’s say you are launching one offer, but you have various touchpoints, like free PDF’s, webinars, and masterclasses, for a few different ideal client avatars (your dream clients).
In that case, you want to consider hiring a landing page copywriter so that they can put all of their focus into finishing your landing page copy while you make sure the deliverables and funnel are top-notch.
- Your current landing pages aren’t performing the way you want them to
Do you already have running landing pages, but feel like could be doing better?
I give you MAD props on writing your landing page by yourself, firstly!
Secondly, it is now time to hire a copywriter to review, edit, adjust, or rewrite your landing page after reviewing your goals, audience, and metrics.
- You have never taken courses on//studied the art of copywriting or regularly practiced improving your copywriting skills
There are many different courses, books, classes, and training you can find on copywriting, but if you haven’t done the extra work to ingest these materials, it is best to hire a professional…
If you want it done right and well the first time.
And while it is entirely possible to self-teach copywriting if you do take the time to indulge in the world of copywriting info, it is the same as all arts, hobbies, and skills:
You learn through practice and repetition.
Instead of spending double or triple the time trying to learn everything, implement, and write quality copy, hire a copywriter who studies tf out of this stuff AND has reps under their belt.
- You don’t have a strong brand voice and are ready to solidify one
Brand voices are created intentionally and unintentionally, meaning…
You are either solidifying the brand voice you WANT…
Or you are accidentally coagulating a brand voice that feels unaligned, forced, or meaningless.
If you don’t have a strong brand voice, YOU need to be writing a LOT of your content.
But, you should hire a copywriter to write the copy for your landing page copy (and all copy, TBH).
(If you want to write your own copy, I recommend applying for a Brand Voice Guide first, and then carrying that into the rest of your copy so you have a solid vision of who you are speaking to, how you resonate with them, and what they are aching for from you.)
How to Know if You Need a Landing Page Copywriter
If you resonated with any of the above reasons to hire a landing page copywriter, and are still on the fence…
Let’s look at what goes into writing your landing page so you can determine how you want to move forward.
The Landing Page Offer
When your offer needs less context and you aim to be straight to the point, write a landing page.
Do you want to only want to provide 1 testimonial, 2-3 sentences about your business, and 1-3 results this offer provides?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, a landing page is going to be your best bet.
Maybe you are offering a free PDF downloadable guide, short ebook, or a pre-recorded webinar, which means your consumer only needs the “hey, here’s the product you get, when it is, how you receive it, and what it does. LET’S GO…”
Since you are typically only asking for a name and email address in exchange for the valuable item they received, you only need the quick selling points.
No show-and-tell. No brand story. No detailed transformations. (These go on a sale page for your big offer or product.)
The Overall Landing Page Goal
What is your goal for this offer?
If you want to get more email subscribers, offer a free masterclass on a specific day and time, or provide a free or low-price downloadable use a landing page!
Your Landing Page Budget
Since a landing page is less in-depth than a sales page…
Your budget may be a little more flex for this service.
When hiring a bomb-ass copywriter (like me, hiiii), landing page copy can range anywhere from $200-$700+, whereas sales pages stay more around the $1,000 – $10,000+ price point, pending what you and your offer need.
If you are not designing your page on your own, you will also need to factor in hiring a VA, OBM, or Graphic Designer to transform your landing page copy into a wonderland page that is soft on the eyes and easily digestible.
Or you can use software like ConverKit, which makes the design super easy.
Don’t let this scare you, though, you can totally write and create your landing page all on your own.
How to Write a Landing Page (3 Tips from a Copywriter)
Writing your own landing page is as easy or as hard as you decide to make it.
The most straightforward way to create a highly converting landing page is to hire a landing page copywriter.
If you do not want to do that, here are 3 tips for writing your own landing page.
- Know Your Ideal Audience
If you don’t know who your target audience is, you don’t know what they need or the main reason(s) they need what you’re offering.
The most effortless way to learn this information is by asking them on your social media stories, email lists, or private groups.
- Picture Your Funnel
Your funnel is the ride you take your consumer on from first finding your account, product, or offer up to investing in your highest offer.
How is your audience getting to your landing page?
What do I want them to gain from signing up on my landing page?
Where do you want them to go after your landing page?
After answering these questions, you should have a good idea about what you need to write on your landing page.
- Keep It Clear and Concise
Landing pages are not created to house long, drawn-out stories. While your offer may provide a crazy amount of valuable information and resources, you don’t need to tell the reader everything you can think of if you are only asking for an email address and name in return.
Don’t get me wrong–asking a human to share ANY information with you is a big ask! But this ask is more of a, “Hey, I’m providing XYZ for you. Here’s why you should download/sign up for it. Enter your email address and you’ll receive it straight to your inbox.”

Landing Page Copywriting Tips Summarized
Landing pages are important tools for any business, regardless of who writes them.
If you are hoping to focus on more important aspects of your biz, have landing pages that aren’t converting, or need to batch a few landing pages at once, you should consider hiring a landing page copywriter.
Otherwise, I hope this article makes you feel more confident in writing your own landing pages!
And don’t forget to click here to join my weekly email series It’s All Extra 🪄, where I send you emails every Sunday at 2pm EST teaching you ways to call more clients, opportunities, money, play, and celebration into your life!
FAQ About a Landing Page Copywriter
Q: Can I write a landing page without hiring a copywriter?
A: You can write your own landing page. If you do, use this article as a reference.
Q: How much does it cost to hire a landing page copywriter?
A: Hiring a landing page copywriter typically ranges from $200-$700 per project.
Q: What is the difference between a landing page and sales page?
A: A landing page tells the reader less about your offer, why they need it, and the transformation it brings because you are not making a big ask. Click here to read more about a sales page.
Q: Where can I see an example of a landing page?
A: You can see an example of a simple landing page here.
You can see a slightly more detailed landing page here.
Q: Can I hire you to be my landing page copywriter?
A: Yes-absolutely! I would love to learn more about you, your business, and your offer. 🙂 Click here to apply for my Client List!
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