There are a few mantras that you need to embody within your business if you want to master simple selling through specific messaging.
These are going to transform your marketing copywriting strategies, whether you are an online business owner or a freelance copywriter.
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10 Copywriting Quotes and Marketing Mantras for Online Business Owners
When you embody these mantras, you will write quicker, better, and more specific so you can sign more dreamy clients and make more money!

Writer’s block isn’t real, you just aren’t writing.
This is a hill that I will die on.
If you want to argue this point, go for it.
Open up a fresh Google document, start arguing.
Congratulations you’re writing!
One of the most common objections I get to this is, “Yeah, but what if I’m writing something pointless? That’s not really me writing.”
The point here is to start writing about whatever you can get onto a page.
Then, eventually, flow into what you need written.
Whether that’s today, whether that’s tomorrow, whether that’s next week, just start writing.
Pro tip: If you do want to argue this in a new Google document, tie your argument into your business!
How does writer’s block quote-unquote ‘affect your business’?
Create that post or that email and press send!
Trust your business.
No coach, consultant, or creator is going to be able to trust your business for you.
You can spend millions of dollars, you can enroll in millions of courses, you can read millions of books, but if you don’t trust your business…
It’s not going to work.
Because only you can trust your business.
And truthfully, if you don’t trust your business, how can you expect anybody else to trust your business?
Why would people trust you to lead them?
Why would people trust your products your offers, if you don’t trust it yourself?
So trust your business!
You are in this for a reason.
It’s not that deep.
Truly, it is not that deep.
We are all living on a floating rock and space doing our best to make it to tomorrow.
If thinking that it’s all super serious is holding you back, or paralyzing you from taking your next step…
Remember, it is not that deep, and go move.
I like to take this mantra into all aspects of my life to keep me in a more overall peaceful state.
But this really applies to marketing and copywriting!
When you are worried about posting something, when you think your content or copy isn’t good enough, when you start comparing yourself to all the other online business owners or freelancers and want to burn your business down because you think you’re doing it all wrong…
Remind yourself that it’s not that deep, and just keep moving.
Momentum moves itself.
Because it’s not that deep, you get to just keep moving.
The movement that you made last year is supporting you this year.
The movement you made yesterday is supporting you today.
And the moves you make today will support you tomorrow because movement moves itself, you just have to get it rolling.
This is one reason that so many marketers and content experts will most likely tell you that when you are starting your online business, you really want to put out more quantity over quality.
And then once you build your solid following, once you’re creating offers, once people are paying you, once you have the numbers that you want to reach, et cetera, et cetera…
Then you can start focusing more on quality, quality quality.
Now don’t get me wrong, this does not mean that you put out crap content or copy.
This also does not mean that you create super not-valuable freebies, or offers that don’t get the results you’re promising.
What this does mean is that the momentum is going to move itself!
So when you put out a lot of content, search engines and social media have a lot of content to push out into the world.
When you write a lot of copy, you start realizing your brand voice and it gets easier to quickly write copy that sells for you.
It also gets easier to write quick copy because you do it so often.
You know what you like, you know you don’t like, you know what your community likes, you know what they don’t like, you know what sells your offers, and you know what doesn’t sell your offers.
Everything you are doing right now is moving you forward.
Everything that you have been doing for the last six months, for the last year, for the last five years, for the last 10 years, or for the last forever is pushing you forward.
Even if you don’t see how it’s working right now, I promise you it is working behind the scenes and in the foreground because momentum moves itself once you get it started.
Say that then.
If you’re wondering how to say something, especially in your copy, say it exactly how you’re thinking about it!
Don’t try to dress it up, don’t try to plug it into a perfect formula.
Just say that then!
This is another one of those mantras that I truly carry into all aspects of my life, like when my friends are talking about something they want to do, and we start building a game plan on how to do it. And then they’re super hesitant to start taking action.
I want them to just say that they’re not ready to take action, because that’s okay.
But just say that then.
When new freelancers come to me, and they want to get more clients, and I tell them to start cold pitching, and I give them my cold pitch framework (read it here), and they say they don’t want to cold pitch, I remind them to instead, say that they do not want clients that badly.
Say what you really mean, how you mean it.
And here’s the thing, if you say what you really mean, and you don’t like what you said, or you’re like, “No, I want to push past this,” you can.
But until you say what you really mean, you can’t make that change.
You also can’t give clarity.
So for a more marketing-tied example, if you are writing with Rose-Colored Ink, here’s something you might say:
There’s so many selling strategies that work. If you like social media, you can sell on Instagram, if you like emails, you can sell through emails, if you like in real life networking you can sell in real life, all of it works, choose what’s best for you and start taking action.
Now there’s nothing wrong with this.
But it’s not specific, it’s not clear, and no one is going to lean into that statement and buy your offers.
Now if you’re writing through more of a Say That Then lens, you might say something like:
When you master simple selling through specific messaging, you will make more money, you will sign more clients and you will have a more spacious calendar. Click here to enroll in my 1:1 copywriting program for online business owners so you can do this.
Now this was a more direct pitch, but this is the Say That Then for my offer, instead of speaking to a very mundane level of that rose-colored ink.
Don’t tiptoe inside your business, babe.
This is your business where you make the rules, where you get the momentum going.
Remember that it’s not that deep, trust your business, and say that then a million times!
You are the best-fit copywriter for your business.
Who knows your business better than you?
Who knows your offers better than you who knows your clients better than you?
You need to write like it.
You need to sell like it.
And I say this with my whole freaking chest!
You are the best-fit copywriter for your business because nobody knows your business better than you.
This doesn’t mean that you can never outsource your copywriting if you want to save time, open up your calendar, or have more time away from your laptop.
But what this does mean is you can sell out your offers better than anybody else once you learn how to master simple selling through specific messaging.
(What freedom to be a successful solopreneur, yeah?)
This is why I always recommend nailing your brand voice, nailing your copywriting strategies, and testing what works before you outsource.
And this is why I created Sell Like A Copywriter so that you can learn how to write and sell like a copywriter, specifically for your business, offers, and community.
So that you either:
A: Never have to outsource your copy, and you can stay 100% In your messaging.
B: Can outsource your copywriting after understanding what copy works for your business, building a solid brand voice to provide to a copywriter so they can replicate that brand voice, and creating a bank of copy that you can pull from without having to depend on a copywriter if anything were to happen.
Do whatever you need to do to remember this mantra, but I need this one to stick with you!
You can write it on a sticky note.
You can type it in a new notes folder, screenshot it, and add it to your phone background.
Write it on your whiteboard.
Screenshot this image for your wallpaper:
But claim it, put it out into the world, and remember, “I am the best-fit copywriter for my business because I know it better than anyone,” and start writing and selling like it.
You will see your results skyrocket.
Post, publish, or send it already.
How many times do you create content or write emails and then let them sit in your drafts folder?
If you’re waiting for the perfect edit, rework, or feedback, let me be the bearer of bad news:
There is no perfect edit or feedback.
Publish it, post it, send it, because you can always rework it later, especially when it comes to content.
You could create one piece of content off of one of these mantras today, and post it, publish it, or send it.
Then tomorrow, pull up what you wrote, and rework it, then post it, publish it, or send it.
Then the next day, pull it up and rework it, and post it, publish it, or send it.
And I’m just going to give you this permission:
Your half baked ideas are good enough to share in the world.
Sure, they might get pushback, they might get some hate, they might get some love.
That’s just part of it.
None of that means anything about you unless you let it.
So I dare you today to either create a new piece of content from this podcast episode and share it, or go into your drafts folder on your phone or your laptop, pull up one piece of content in that little content or copy bank cemetery, freshen it up (don’t spend more than 10 minutes on it) and publish it, post it or send it right now.
Do not try to make it perfect.
Just make it make sense with your business. And press post.
What’s the worst that could happen? And so then what?
Most of the time, our worst-case scenarios feel way less serious when we say them out loud.
So if you find that you’re scared to move or scared to take your next step, I want you to ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
Answer it honestly.
Then ask, “Okay, so then what?”
You may realize that your fears are pretty manageable.
And you’ll decide to make that move.
Here’s what that could look like:
Let’s say you’re getting ready to launch or relaunch one of your offers.
And you’ve been procrastinating writing all of your sales assets, like your sales page, your ads, your content, and your emails.
Or maybe you even started writing them, but for some reason, you just feel like they are not good enough.
I want you to ask yourself, “What’s the worst that’s going to happen?”
Maybe your ‘worst scenario’ is that you launch with your current sales pages, ads, and emails.
So, what then?
What happens if you make no sales during your lunch?
What happens if you sign no clients?
What happens if you get no clicks?
You may be thinking, “Well, that’s gonna suck.”
Sure, but what actually happens then?
Because we can move through the suckiness.
You may find that you would:
- Just re-launch again
- Pivot your offer
- Write new copy for your next launch
- Join Sell Like A Copywriter
Keep it, going to.
Maybe you decide shutting down your business is the worst-case scenario.
And so then what?
What would happen if you shut down your business?
Would you go back to your last job?
Would you go back to school?
Would you become a stay-at-home mom?
Would you become a housewife?
Would you go work at Taco Bell?
Would you start working at State Farm?
Would you just live off of your savings?
What would happen?
When we ask this, we are able to play out the scenarios.
And once we play out the scenarios, they’re a lot less scary than just taking an action and doing the dang thing.
So when you’re feeling stuck, intimidated, or scared, play through the worst that could happen.
And so then what happens?
You can apply this to all of life.
It is that easy.
I love using this specifically for freelancing marketing and copywriting, but it again applies to all of life.
It is that easy.
It gets to be that easy.
Focus on the one next step of your one current move goal or desire.
Don’t even get caught up on what that one right thing is.
Just take one step because anyone can take one step because it is that easy!
Now one of the really specific examples that I can give for this quote is not copywriting or marketing-related.
Instead, it’s gym-related.
Let’s say I have a heavy set rep range of six to eight.
And I get to number five, and it’s super freakin heavy.
I will tell myself, “what’s one more?”
I know my one next step is just to stand up again, just to push it forward again, just to jump a little bit higher one more time, because anybody can do one more.
It is that easy.
- Maybe your one next step is to write your sales page.
- Maybe your one next step is to sell your offer today on all of your social media platforms.
- Maybe your one next step is to plan next month’s emails so that you don’t have to worry about them on the day of.
- Maybe your one next step is to step away from your business today.
You know what your one step is, I’m sure you have a whole list of steps you need to take.
Choose one and take action, because that momentum is going to move itself.
Look for the cherries on top, baby!!!
Life is constantly sprinkling magic all around you.
But you have to be willing to see it!
Because if you’re not, it will just blow away like dust in the wind.
I want you to think of:
- Your business as the cherries on top of your life.
- Your offers as the cherries on top of your business.
- Your clients as the cherries on top of your offers.
- Sunshine as the cherries on top of your day.
- Savings accounts as the cherries on top of your finances.
- Iced coffee as the cherries on top of your thrifting experience.
- Thrifting itself as the cherries on top of your week!
Truly, cherries on top is a mantra that allows you to drop into gratitude, no matter where you’re at, what you’re doing, or who you’re around.
You can find the cherries on top of everything.
Search for it, see it, claim it, speak it, and watch your life get brighter, business get easier, and selling become simpler!

Marketing Mantras and Copywriting Quotes In Conclusion
I dare you to go move using any of these mantras right now.
Create a post, take action, take a pause…
Whatever you need to do, go do it!
Here’s a reminder of these 10 quotes and mantras for marketing and copywriting for online business owners:
- Writer’s block isn’t real, you just aren’t writing.
- Trust your business.
- It’s not that deep.
- Momentum moves itself.
- Say that then.
- You are the best-fit copywriter for your business.
- Post, publish, or send it already.
- What’s the worst that could happen? And so then what?
- It is that easy.
- Cherries on top, baby.
I cannot wait to see how these mantras transform the game for you.
P.S. -> Do you want to master simple selling through specific messaging without hiring a team?
Click here to join Sell Like A Copywriter so you can learn how to quickly and intentionally write sales copy specific to your business and yours alone so you can double your results with half the effort.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Which marketing mantra or copywriting quote is your favorite to use daily?
A: Ahhh, all of them? Lol. If I have to choose one….
My answer would be Momentum Moves Itself.
Doing the 1% builds momentously over time, and it is incredibly more sustainable than striving to give your 110% day in and day out.
(Close second would be #10 because duhhh, cherries on mfknnnn top, baby!)
Q: I am an online business owner and know I need to write better copy if I want to make more money. Any tips?
A: Join Sell Like A Copywriter.
I created this program for you, the business owner, to learn how to write better copy through messaging specific to your offer, community, and energy.
This course teaches you how to write and sell like a copywriter so you can master simpler selling and make more money as an online business owner + help more humans through your work.
Q: I am looking to hire a copywriter! Know of anyone?
A: Ummm, hiii! What a fun place to be in your business.
You can click here to apply to my Client List, risk-free.
At most, we’ll jump on a call and begin working together!
At least, you will walk away with easily implementable copywriting tips, and I will help you find a more aligned copywriter.