Sell Like A Copywriter ™️

(Investment: $1,111 -> Price increases in 2025)

Sell Like A Copywriter™️ is for creative business owners who want to write better copy and:

  • Don’t know what to say other than, “This is life-changing. Please buy.”
  • Know you need to prioritize your messaging, but don’t know how to say what you’ve been saying differently (aka – in a way that registers with your dream clients the first time they read it)
  • Have seen success in previous launches (maybe even BIG success), but know you could make wayyyy more money if you could write better copy and convert quicker
  • Want to truly communicate the transformation your product or offer brings without spending weeks trying to write one asset

You’ve got this killer offer, but actually talking about you do?

Eeek, yeah that’s where you’re stuck.

Not anymore! 

With Sell Like A Copywriter™️, we’re making your message as clear as you’re cute little blue light-blocking glasses – and just as powerful.

Think you need a $10k wizard-level copywriter to publish scroll-stopping copy quickly


You’ve got the messaging magic in you, and I’m here to help you unleash it. 

– Christina, a long-time copy client who helps postpartum moms recover and heal <3

In 30 days, you’ll be writing copy (in half your current time) that makes your audience think, “Holy guacamole, are they in my brain?”

We’re talking less stress, more money, and simplified marketing so you never need another copy course again.

And those last-minute launch panic attacks? Canceled.

Overcaffeinated morning from late Google doc nights? Goodbye.

Week-long writing sessions that get trashed? Over. ❌

Sell Like a Copywriter™️ so you can make more money, land dreamy clients and customers, and enjoy a much-needed Netflix binge session and slaving over a Google doc. 🍨

Oh, plus, forget dull templates. We do not know her.

Instead, you’ll learn frameworks to write specific copy for your offer without templates so you can write quicker, sell more, and mad-lib less.

You’ll get copy classes that are the quickest (and simplest) solution to overused copywriting “hacks” and “secrets” you save on your Instagram feed (and then literally never check again).

We’re simplifying copywriting, marketing, and storytelling into bite-sized, actionable, and easily implementable practices that make sense for your business.


I’m Jess, and I’m your copywriting teacher and writing bestie inside Sell Like A Copywriter™️.

I started in the online industry as a (slightly) humble blog writer in 2019, building my very own blog, “Becoming the Best Self,” under my @barbiewithablog persona. 

It was here that I first tasted the sweet, addicting flavor of digital work. I quickly realized I had a knack for not just writing but for making every word count – in the bank.

Fast forward to a year and a half later, and I celebrated my first $1,000 month as a part-time freelance writer. Speed through another year, and I was hitting $5k months as a sales funnel and launch copywriter. 

(I knew how to write A++ copy to sell my own offers AND my clients’ offers. That’s why they keep coming back for more. 😉)

But here’s the kicker – I did all this while juggling a nearly full-time job and personal commitments. 

My secret? 

A blend of strategic thinking, creative writing, willingness to grow, and passion for helping others find their voice and share their story. 

So much so, I’m ready to go with a million sales ideas when ANYONE mentions their offer + ready for more clients + wanting more money. My brain naturally thinks of ways to simplify your marketing, messaging, and methods, so you can have simple and stress-free strategies and make more money. (You’re welcome.)

Sell Like A Copywriter™️ is my brainchild, born from years of grinding, learning, unlearning, and understanding what truly makes an online business tick…and what keeps clients and customers consistently coming back for MORE. 

I’ll teach you to write copy that speaks directly to your audience with confidence, style, strategy…and maybe a little bit of razzle dazzle (if that’s your vibe).

On each Monday and Tuesday, you will receive a pre-recorded training > 30 minutes on our launch asset of the day. 

This is where you will learn how to write like a copywriter trained specifically for your business!

No more outsourcing. 

No more wondering if your messaging could’ve been tighter. 

No more posting and ghosting. 

We’re keeping copywriting S I M P L E!

  • Decrease how long it takes you to write your copy and content because you’ll know what truly matters to your audience…and what’s wasted space
  • Forget second-guessing every line. You’ll have the know-how to hit the nail on the head, every time.
  • Wave goodbye to the drain on your wallet and the endless search for the ‘right’ copywriter – spoiler alert: she’s YOU!

Every Wednesday, you will receive a pre-recorded audit > 60 minutes of the launch asset you wrote that day of the prior week. This is where you will learn how to edit like a copy editor trained specifically for your business.

Now, you’ll know how to refine your own messaging to get clearer, and clearer, and clearer, and freaking clearer!

  • Replace those “umms” and “ahhs” with a clear, confident strategy for your copy.
  • Transform the daunting task of copywriting into your new favorite part of business.
  • See a noticeable shift in how your audience interacts with your content. More eyes, more clicks, more conversions!

Each Thursday, we will hop on a 60-min 1:1 call for copywriting coaching, edits, and implementation.

We’re eliminating the guesswork in structuring an effective sales page. You’re going to replace the overly complex (and entirely outdated, tbh) sales page formats you’ve seen on IG with pajama day-approved and result-driven approach. I’m giving you a clear framework for writing a stand-out sales page for YOUR business, offer, and community…in less than two hours.

The Curriculum:

  • F* the Format
  • 4-Step Sales Page Diet
  • Your 2-Hour Sales Page

Now that you have the barebones written, we’re going deeper into techniques and formatting that will enhance your sales page. Words -> $$$. This is where missed opportunities to connect and convert are so last year because we’re replacing basic content with communicative, engaging, and spot-on copy.

The Curriculum:

  • Pressure Points Vs Pain Points
  • Your About Me is About Them
  • Optional Additions to Spice It Up
  • How to Add Relevant FAQs

I’m giving you my expert launch copywriter insights to show you how to fine-tune your sales page for even MORE accuracy and conversions! We’ll cull through any weak spots or missed opportunities so your sales page is ready to be published. You’ll receive a > 60-minute recording reviewing your sales page in all its glory, and you’ll have actionable tips for tweaking it as much as you’d like. Out with ‘good enough’ content, in with the ‘she’s in my brain’ copy.

You are going to learn a quick skill to turn your sales page into endless emails. No more struggling to create email content from scratch! Plus, we’re going to replace generic email templates with impactful and intentional email sequences that finally freaking sound like you.

The Curriculum:

  • Easy Email Writing
  • Crafting Your Email Funnel

It’s time to expand your emails so we can engage your audience at every stage, all the time. Think less redundancy and more engagement. Gone are the days of inconsistent email strategies. We’re writing quick, easy, and relatable emails in record-breaking time.

The Curriculum:

  • Niche-Specific Email Writing Prompts
  • How to Learn From Your Audience

You’ll receive a > 60-minute recording reviewing your emails so we can improve your copy and strategy for better engagement and conversions. It’s time to write emails that actually resonate with your audience, and that’s the mindset we’re editing with so you can stop writing generic emails from a template you downloaded in 2019.

This section teaches you how to repurpose your sales page and emails into content or ads so you can stop doom-scrolling for hours in search of iNsPo. You don’t need to constantly create groundbreaking content anymore! Talk about the easiest multi-channel approach E V E R.

The Curriculum:

  • The Art of Repurposing
  • Sugar Rush Writing Ideology

To alleviate any inconsistencies or gaps within your content or ads, you’ll receive a > 60-minute recording reviewing your writing so we can replace a scattered content plan with a cohesive strategy. Plus, you’ll learn how simple editing truly gets to be – and how one piece of content or ad can get repurposed into so much more! No more pulling your hair out to post daily. (We keep it easy breezy beautiful over here, except it’s from the couch, in sweats, with hair that *does* need to be washed.)

During our final week together, you’ll have office-hour access to my email and Google documents to plan a marketing strategy that makes sense for you and your business.

Simply put: We’ll build your marketing strategy for your current offers, next launch, or laid-back selling.

You’ll also learn how to spice up your current content, emails, and sales page to triple the amount of content you have at any given time, for this launch, or your next launch, or your next launch.

(Truly, the gift that keeps on freaking given.) 


This way, you’ll never have to spend a few hours scrolling social media for content ideas…only to not post anyway.

Big y i k e s.

  • Learn how to triple your content effortlessly
  • Welcome to the world of calm, cool, and collected sales
  • Replace the copywriting guessing game with pro-written copy that sells smoothly and efficiently

This isn’t just a quick purchase; it’s a strategic decision that sets you apart in your industry. 

Your investment goes into not just learning but mastering the art of copywriting, communicating, and messaging so you can consistently sell through every new offer, pivot, or business move you decide to make…for the rest of your life!

You’re not just paying for information; you’re investing in a skillset that will exponentially increase your returns no matter where your business – or life – takes you. 

This program offers a return on investment that is hard to match – it’s like choosing between a one-night stand or a long-term commitment to your business (so you can reap the rewards forever).

** The Sell Like A Copywriter investment increases Q1 of 2025. **

(Payment Plans available upon request. <3 Please dm me @writingswithjess or send an email to

  • Customized, Never Cookie-Cutter

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill, one-size-fits-all approach.

It’s as personalized as your $12 latte order at your local café.

We’re talking tailor-made strategies that fit your business like a glove.

Each audit is a line-by-line audit of your copy, so you can learn how to write the best copy specifically for your business.

  • Results Only, Please & Thank U

While other courses might leave you with a notebook full of ideas and a “good luck!” pat on the back, Sell Like A Copywriter™️ is all about real, tangible results – and we’re writing, editing, and publishing in real time.

We’re in the business of doubling results, not just doubling your notes.

  • 1:1 Feedback

Imagine having a copy queen at your disposal for a full 60 minutes, ready to deep dive into your specific needs and goals.

It’s like having a personal trainer for your business – except more fun and less sweaty…and the results are dollar, dollar bills, yo.

In short, Sell Like A Copywriter™️ is your all-access, quick pass to writing copy that sells, blending a personalized strategy with actionable tasks and 1:1 support. 

Plus, this program is created for business owners – not another freelancer hoping to add ‘copywriter’ to their list of profitable skills.

  • Coaches who run 1:1 and group offers, have sold out their offers before, but are struggling to fill their books again
  • Service Providers with 1:many offers who want to write quicker copy so they can sell more, sign more clients, and make more money
  • Online Business Owners who want to double their sales results without outsourcing, scaling, or hiring a team

Q: What Exactly Does Sell Like A Copywriter™️ Cover?

Sell Like A Copywriter™️ teaches you how to write your sales assets: sales page, sales emails, and content or ads. You will also receive one audit per asset, with unique guidance on how to edit for maximum messaging and doubled results.

Q: Do I Need Prior Experience in Copywriting or Marketing to Join?

You do not need any prior experience in copywriting or marketing! In fact, if you already have some knowledge about these topics, get ready for a breath of fresh air. We’re simplifying your entire launch process. If you don’t, no worries. I got you covered! All you need is an offer you’re ready to sell (or already selling).

Q: Will There Be Personalized Feedback and Support?

With Sell Like A Copywriter™️, you get an ultra-personalized audit of each asset – think of it as your business getting its very own stylist who knows exactly what makes your look it’s A++ best.

You’ll get specific feedback tailored to your unique copy, business, offer, and launch, ensuring every piece of your sales puzzle fits together perfectly.

And the cherry on top? 🍒

We jump on weekly 1:1 calls to discuss your offer, asset, and writing flow so you can quantum leap your copy skills from bleh to brilliant.

Q: Can I Apply the Strategies Learned in Sell Like A Copywriter™️ to Any Type of Online Business?

Absolutely! The beauty of Sell Like A Copywriter™️ is like a chameleon – it adapts to any type of online offer.

Whether you’re dishing out business-changing coaching services or launching your latest eBook on postpartum recovery, the strategies you learn here are as versatile as they are effective.

Q: What Happens If I Miss a Session or Fall Behind?

In Sell Like A Copywriter™️, if you happen to miss a class, audit, or call, the responsibility to catch up is yours. 

This program is an intensive one-on-one container, meaning each session is packed with crucial information tailored specifically for your launch. 

However, I understand that life can sometimes get in the way. That’s why, although catching up will be your task, I am here to support you every step of the way. 

If that means adjusting the workload or cutting out some non-essential extras to ensure you’re not overwhelmed, we’ll do just that. 

Remember, this is your business, and it should work for you, not against you. 

My role is to guide and assist, ensuring that even if you do miss something, you’re still on track for a successful and stress-free launch. 

So, while the initiative to catch up rests with you, you definitely won’t fall behind.

Q: Will There Be Any Additional Costs or Materials Required?

If you want to pre-schedule your emails or host your sales page, you will need the appropriate programs, but you most likely already have them. (Software like Teachable, Convertkit, Podia, WordPress, Kajabi…you get it.) I also recommend using a Google Drive folder to house your launch assets, but you don’t need to pay anything extra. 

Q: What is the Format of the Program? Is It Live, Pre-Recorded, or a Mix?

Sell Like A Copywriter™️ is a mix of pre-recorded pieces of training, personalized live audits, and 60-minute 1:1 calls.

Q: Will I Get Access to Any Templates or Frameworks to Help with My Launch?

While you won’t find standard, cookie-cutter templates in this program, what you will get is something more valuable: the ability to develop and tailor your own copy that resonates specifically with your audience, every freakin time. The Sell Like A Copywriter™️ approach ensures that your copy is authentic, original, and stands out in a crowded online market. 

Q: How Long Do I Have Access to Sell Like A Copywriter™️ Material?

After 30 days, you will not have access to our core curriculum, as you won’t need it anymore. You will have access to your personalized audits and 1:1 call recording during this time, and they are downloadable, and you are free to download them for your own personal use. After 30 days post-program, your folder access will be deleted.

Q: Who is Sell Like A Copywriter™️ NOT for?

Sell Like A Copywriter™️ is an intensive, hands-on program that requires commitment, creativity, and a willingness to dive deep into the nuances of your unique business. While it offers a wealth of resources, marketing + copy wisdom, and personalized guidance, it is definitely not the right fit for everyone.

This program is not for:

  • Business Owners Looking to Outsource Copy

You need to learn how to tighten your messaging on your own before you outsource to a copywriter.

If you’re seeking an instant, no-effort-required formula to skyrocket your business, this might not align with your expectations.

The program demands active participation and effort to see results. Aka – you will work.

  • Anyone Unwilling to Experiment and Adapt

This program thrives on innovation and creativity.

If you prefer sticking strictly to conventional methods without exploring new ideas, this approach may feel uncomfortable.

And if you’re not here for the uncomfortable growth and reframes, you probably want to sit this out.

  • Entrepreneurs Expecting Pre-Made Templates

If you’re looking solely for ready-to-use templates or one-size-fits-all solutions, this program will not meet your needs.

It’s about writing copy that’s unique to your business–and templates don’t do that.

  • Individuals Not Open to Feedback and Change

The program involves ongoing feedback and sometimes, constructive criticism.

If you aren’t open to learning, evolving, and embracing change in your strategies…this program isn’t for you.

Ps…I’m not afraid of telling you what’s not serving you.

  • Business Owners Not Ready to Invest Time

Given the intensive nature of the program, it requires a significant time investment.

You are learning. You are writing. You are working.

If you’re unable to commit the necessary time (1-2 hours per day for 4 weeks), you might not be able to take full advantage of what my program offers.

In essence, Sell Like A Copywriter™️ is for you if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves, dive deep into the world of strategic and creative copy, and actively participate in transforming your business’s approach to your market.

Listen. You know your messaging matters…and you know it could be better. But…

Join Sell Like A Copywriter™️ to write like a copywriting expert for your offer, your business, and your community so you can double your results without outsourcing.

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